WHPSC 2019 Day 2: Crash on 5 mile Run
Team up before sun rise
5 mile start
View of the road from the 5 mile start
Whole team to start, watched first heat and then catch team moved to catch.
Start team photo
Russel warmed up and team prepared bike and fitted screen.
Called up for heat. Russell got in bike and was taped in.
Jon pushed, Russell fell over after a short distance.
Hood became detached, so retaped before relaunching. Chase team followed. Bike fell over during run. Start team picked up later after packing up warm up baron and watching further heats, hearing that velociraptor had crashed on course.
Team returned to motel base. Some went to meeting.
Russell explained problem, asked for input. Barney made an adjustment.
Ben arrived.
Had lunch.
Tested bike on poo lane.
Started coming up with further ideas.